Last week, my friend Brian (his blog is and I were playing a 350 point game to test out our lists for the first round of the "Slow Grow". The rules for this weekend would be: 1/4/14: 350 points in troops (5 points in upgrades max per model). My list consisted of two 10 man tactical squads and a 5 man squad of scouts. I was stripping the paint on a lot of my models at the time, so the pictures are not WYSYWG. Everybody has bolters. His list consisted of a Tervigon and a bunch of Termigaunts. Here's a brief battle report on how the battle went:
The game type was Relic with Dawn of War deployment, Tyranids deploy first. His Tervigon rolled on the psychic table and got Hemorrhage. Before deployment I decided to break the tactical squads down into combat squads due to him potentially having a large number of small units spawned from the Tervigon.
My Dark Angel force for the battle. Again, not WYSYWG for this one, but everyone has boltguns.
His 350 point Tyranid list.
Deployment completed.
End of his Turn 1. His Tervigon spawned 16 gaunts and dried up. He moved up gaunts to control the objective and was out of range to shoot anything.
End of my Turn 1. I moved my tac squads up to get within rapid fire range and wiped out the squad of gaunts controlling the relic.
End of his Turn 2. He moved up to control the relic and wiped out my leftmost combat squad with shooting.
End of my Turn 2. I shot rapid fire into the gaunts and killed 13. The model controlling the relic was killed so it was dropped.
Apparently I forgot to take pictures for several of the turns, but he killed 3 models in his Turn 3. My turn 3 I shot everything and killed another 10 gaunts. His Turn 4 his Tervigon finally picked up the relic and then killed 4 marines with a blast template. Turns 5 and 6 were spent attempting to put a wound on the Tervigon and him killing the rest of my tactical squads with smash attacks. The picture above is the end of the game with the Tervigon controlling the relic. Good game! Looking forward to the weeks where I can start bringing heavy weapons.
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